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24 March 2025 - 25 March 2025
Stuttgart, Germany
European Robotics Forum ERF 2025 - B2B Meetings
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Open until 25 March 2025

About the European Robotics Forum 2025

The European Robotics Forum 2025 (ERF2025), the most influential meeting of the robotics community in Europe, will take place in Stuttgart, Germany, from 24. to 27. March. It is organised by euRobotics, an international non-profit association for all European robotics stakeholders, together with the local hosts Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, University of Stuttgart, Cyber Valley GmbH & the State capital Stuttgart.

Please note that the ERF 2025 begins on Monday, 24. March 2025, with Site Visits, the euRobotics General Assembly and the B2B Matchmaking of the Enterprise Europe Network. 

Cutting-edge robotics and AI innovation. This year’s theme is “Boosting the Synergies between Robotics and AI for a stronger Europe”. The aim is to bring together research and industry, present the current state of robotics and AI on a large stage and help shape future technological developments.

One event, many formats - ERF features a diverse range of event formats and is therefore unique in the European robotics community. Keynotes, lectures, and workshops make up a large part of the very diverse program. For example, attendees can select between more than 50 workshops with topics like application trends in industrial and service robotics, generative AI in robot programming and control, regulatory AI Act or humanoid robots. In addition, individuals and companies can apply for several euRobotics awards, which will be presented during ERF. 

An exhibition of robot and AI-based applications, presented in the style of a trade fair, complements the program. Networking and professional exchange also play a major role – which include two evening events and site visits to the regional robotic ecosystem.

Great appeal for European robotics - The event will have a major impact on European robotics. The fact that it is being held in Germany for the first time is a perfect fit, as it is the country with the highest number of euRobotics members and the highest robot density in Europe, with 429 robots per 10,000 employees. This puts Germany in fourth place worldwide, with South Korea in first place with 1012 robots, according to an annual survey by the International Federation of Robotics. AI-based robotics is also an important strategic cornerstone of German and European economic and science policy to tackle social challenges such as demographic change and labour shortages. Important impetus for this will also come from the conference “AI-based Robotics 2025” (KIRO), which will be integrated into ERF and is carried out by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs (BMWK) and of Education and Research (BMBF).

Many well-known guests - In this context, numerous well-known guests lend ERF additional significance. The current Federal Minister of Economic Affairs, Robert Habeck, is announced for the official opening on March 25, 2025. Professor Holger Hanselka, President of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, will also be part of the official opening of ERF. Contributions by Baden-Württemberg’s Minister for Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism, Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, and by Lucilla Sioli, Director for AI and Digital Industry at the European Commission, are further official items on the program. The local Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism is a co-organizer of the ERF 2025. Finally, the state capital Stuttgart, and the Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation are also supporting the ERF. Stuttgart’s Lord Mayor Dr. Frank Nopper will be giving a welcome speech at the pre​​​​​-Forum​​ ​ reception ​on March 24th ​that will be hosted by the City of Stuttgart.

Press conference and panel discussion - Following the opening on March 25, a press conference and panel discussion about Europe’s status and possibilities with respect to robotics and AI technologies is planned, which is aimed in particular at media representatives. The General Chair of the event, Dr. Werner Kraus from Fraunhofer IPA, as well as the Co-Chairs Dr. Matthias Peissner (Fraunhofer IAO), Professor Alexander Verl and Professor Marco Huber (both from the University of Stuttgart) and Rebecca C. Reisch (Managing Director of Cyber Valley GmbH) will also take part. From euRobotics, Dr. Bernd Liepert​, President euRobotics,​ ​​will join. Journalists from the daily, weekly and trade press can register free of charge for ERF.

Further information for interested parties, media representatives, potential sponsors, and exhibitors, as well as all program and registration details: www.erf2025.eu

Berliner Pl. 1-3
70174 Stuttgart, Germany
Organised by